Discover what the world thinks in seconds

Brand Intelligence and Reputation Analysis

Dive into people’s heads and hearts

What are people saying about your company? Using our ability to detect emotions expressed in real time, both online and via digital supports, we’re able to spot trends and measure your reputation—all thanks to an artificial intelligence tool that blends neuroscience, marketing, and social psychology.

Compare your reputation with that of your competition using your choice of indicators.
Compare your reputation with that of your competition using your choice of indicators.
Collect precious data on trends in your market.
Collect precious data on trends in your market.
Understand what your clients look for and value.
Understand what your clients look for and value.

Discover how this benefits your company/organization.

A powerful, effective AI tool

Detect and analyze millions of digital information sources in less than a second.

Simple, reliable, and 50,000 X faster than a survey — enabling you see how your data evolves in real time.

Summarizes millions of articles, pieces of info, and opinions in real time (general, local, and specialized news sources; blogs; forums; social networks).

Discover our AI solutions.

Emotion explorers

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